Payment Method


  • Cardholder-Present: Cardholders present their Alipay-wallet QR Code with a linked UnionPay credit or debit card, for merchants to scan (using our A8/ K9 model devices). Merchants then input the payment amount on the device and scan cardholder's Alipay -wallet QR code to proceed payment, as cardholders confirmed the payment details on their phone, the payment will be finalized.
  • Merchant-Present: Merchants can have a static Alipay QR code printed on their cashier for cardholders' easy access or create a QR code for each payment. Merchants can simply type in the payment amount on the devices, then cardholders open their Alipay-wallet app with a linked UnionPay credit or debit card on their phone to scan the merchant's Alipay QR code to proceed and finalized the payment.